Lufthansa changes anticompetitive clauses in corporate client programme


In a Bundeskartellamt proceeding Deutsche Lufthansa has undertaken to remove certain clauses from current and future corporate client contracts. The proceeding was triggered by complaints from corporate clients of Lufthansa from across the German business community as well as the travel office of the German government.

Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt: "The clauses gave Lufthansa access to competitively sensitive information of rival companies. In order to qualify for certain discounts or sales refunds, major customers of Lufthansa had to provide such data. This included not only information about flights booked with companies belonging to the Lufthansa group and its cooperation partners but in particular also sales data for flight bookings with its competitors."

For the calculation of special discounts and sales refunds (co-called incentive services) corporate clients had to transmit to Lufthansa all the sales data of flights which they had bought within a certain calculation period by means of a specific corporate credit card. This information also included flights which the client had booked with Lufthansa's competitors (data tracking). With the information acquired about the sales and discount conditions of its competitors, Lufthansa could have distorted competition on specific routes by means of short-term and targeted measures.

Deutsche Lufthansa has now undertaken to remove the clauses in question from its contracts. The Bundeskartellamt has declared these commitments as binding. Logo: Offene Märkte | Fairer Wettbewerb

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