Annual Conference of the International Competition Network in New Delhi


The 17th Annual Conference of the International Competition Network (ICN), hosted by the Competition Commission of India (CCI), concluded last Friday, March 23, 2018. Nearly 500 participants from more than 70 jurisdictions, including representatives and stakeholders such as the business community, legal and economic professionals, international organisations and academics attended this year's conference which started on Wednesday, March 21, 2018, in New Delhi, India.

The ICN is the most important network of competition authorities worldwide. It comprises 138 competition agencies from 125 jurisdictions. Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt, has been the ICN Steering Group Chair since September 2013.

In his opening speech Andreas Mundt stated "The ICN is a success story. The familiarity and trust that we have built in the ICN are important, especially today. We have a common interest: competition first and consumers first, not only in our country, but worldwide.”

At the Annual Conference, last year's work products were approved, including guiding principles on procedural fairness and a new annotated guidance document on investigative process, updated and expanded recommended practices on cooperation in merger control, timing of notifications and review periods and an interim report on key elements for efficient and effective leniency programmes. The ICN work also covered vertical mergers, market studies and advocacy strategies. All work products are available at the conference website In addition, the ICN presented its new website which will be online soon.

The Annual Conference once more provided an opportunity for members and other stakeholders to have in-depth discussions about existing work products and future topics. The ICN provides one of the most important forums for experience sharing and an informal venue for maintaining regular contacts to address practical competition concerns.

The 2019 ICN Annual Conference will be held in Colombia, hosted by the Colombian Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio.