New series of Bundeskartellamt papers on "Competition and Consumer Protection in the Digital Economy"


Today the Bundeskartellamt has launched a new series of papers on the topic "Competition and Consumer Protection in the Digital Economy".

Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt: "The Internet and digitalisation are profoundly changing the basic conditions for economic activity in many ways. New digital products and business models as well as the special characteristics of digital markets have created new challenges for competition policy and enforcement. With this new series of concise and easily comprehensive papers the Bundeskartellamt would like to further the public debate on topical competition policy issues in the digital world and give new impetus to the debate about the interfaces between digitalisation, competition and consumer protection."

The first paper in the series deals with "Big Data and Competition." It explains the specifics of digital, data-based markets and the role which data plays in competitive analysis. The paper also addresses the importance of data protection issues for competition law proceedings.

It is available for download (in German) on the Bundeskartellamt's website.

Further publications in this series are in preparation and will be published as the occasion arises.

Further publications in this series are in preparation and will be published as the occasion arises.

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