New publication in the series of Bundeskartellamt papers on "Competition and Consumer Protection in the Digital Economy": Innovations - challenges for competition law practice


"Innovations – challenges for competition law practice" was the theme of the meeting of the Working Group on Competition Law hosted by the Bundeskartellamt on 5 October 2017 (see Press release of the Bundeskartellamt of 9 October 2017). The working paper for the conference is now available as one in a series of papers on the topic "Competition and Consumer Protection in the Digital Economy".

The paper presents major findings from industrial economic research and shows the relevance of innovations for examination proceedings under competition law. In particular it deals with the specific characteristics of the digital economy and the so-called "innovative power of the Internet". It raises various questions about the development of competition law practice in this area e.g. to what extent established concepts used to assess innovation competition in other research-intensive sectors can be applied to digital markets or whether, especially in developing digital markets, it is necessary to prohibit anti-competitive developments at an early stage in order to keep markets open and ensure fair competition.

The working paper is available for download (in German) on the Bundeskartellamt's website.